BFSDA uses participatory approaches in promoting the wellbeing of Batwa as a people. As such, BFSDA uses Openness to Win Natural Engagements Resulting in Sustainability for Household Initiatives to Prosper (OWNERSHIP) where:

Openness means that BFSDA works with the highest form of transparency in its operations

Winning means that BFSDA ensures that in all its operations and processes, communities win

Natural means that there is no coercion or manipulation of any parties but mutual acceptance

Engagement implies that BFSDA works and believes in partnerships and not unequal relationships

Results indicate that BFSDA’s focuses on specific change goals for the good of humanity

Sustainability means that BFSDA’s work is geared towards meeting the needs of the present without compromising those for future generations. FSDA projects must have sustainability and exit plans

Household means that BFSDA believes in initiatives that impact families, especially children and not merely individuals.

Initiatives mean that BFSDA beneficiaries are in charge of their own change. Needs assessments and project designs should be participatory processes with at least 70% involvement of the Batwa people.

Prosper means that the driving force for BFSDA is the wellbeing of Batwa people, period. 

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